Friday, August 31, 2007

Nielsen's Initiative with Consumer Networks

I recently saw a reference to the forthcoming initiative. According to their website..
Coming later this year, is an interactive and fun environment where you can provide feedback on your favorite entertainment (tv, movies, etc). Nielsen, in turn, may share it with the companies responsible for those entertainment products. Furthermore, users who give rich, insightful, and frequent feedback may be asked to participate in other surveys and webcam interviews for tv, movies, and commercials.
I think it is an important way Nielsen can corroborate and complement what they glean from their rigorous and long-established traditional TV panels. I wonder how this may relate to other social network sites (Facebook, MySpace, Yahoo) who may have an edge with higher level of stickiness with their users but may lack the domain knowledge about TV or the objectivity behind ratings that Nielsen has long established. It will be interesting to see how the networks of relationships evolve between those seeking to orchestrate consumer communities and those monitoring how consumers consume media and related products and services. And there are many consumer communities today (here's a list of the top ones).

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